The Democratic Republic Of Congo Presidential
On 31 January 2012 AISA and the City of Tshwane co-hosted
the Ambassadorial Forum on the DRC’s Presidential Elections and its Aftermath
at the National Library of South Africa (NLSA) in Pretoria. The forum was
chaired by Dr Matlou, CEO of AISA. The introductory remarks were provided by Mr
John Kgwale Tsebe, CEO of the NLSA. Mr Tsebe gave a synopsis of the NLSA’s
mission statement being to promote a South African culture of reading, writing and
publishing in all local languages, and to provide easy access to books to all
South Africans.
The keynote address was given by the Deputy Ambassador of
the DRC to South Africa, Mr Yav Tshikomb whose presentation was on The 27
November 2011 Presidential Election, in which he informed the audience about
the procedures and results of the elections that took place under the
supervision of international observers. He encouraged the opposition parties to
work together with the government to build the country. Dr Sylvester Maphosa,
Chief Research Specialist and Head of Peace and Security at AISA, spoke on DRC
Presidential Election: An Imperfect but necessary step? The missing link in
democratic transitions. His presentation reflected on the election results and
questioned the role of the neighboring countries in bringing about peace and
security in the DRC.
Mr Dieudonne N Tshiyoyo, Manager of Elections and Political
Processes at the Electoral Institute for Sustainability on Democracy in Africa
spoke on Assessing the Congolese Electoral Law and the CENI Preparedness to
organise the November 2011 Presidential Election. In his presentation, he
reflected on the electoral flaws in the DRC elections, the failure of the
Electoral Commission to print the ballot papers in time and to allow the
opposition time to campaign. Mr Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi of the Revolution
Congolaise spoke on Post-Election Violence and Human Rights in the Congo. In
his presentation, he highlighted a number of incidences in which the followers
of opposition parties were harassed and denied their rights to express their
dissatisfaction towards the government on how the election was conducted. Dr
Siphamandla Zondi, Executive Director of the Institute for Global Dialogue
(IGD) and AISA Council member summarised the discussions by critically
outlining the outcome of the elections.