Sunday, 28 February 2016

Discours de Mr. Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi a la conférence sur la Campagne pour le respect de la Constitution RD Congolaise par la Diaspora RD Congolaise en Afrique du Sud le 27 février 2016.

Permettez chers compatriotes que je commence par remercier le MCP et l’UNC pour nous avoir invité à cette conférence.

Pour ceux qui ne me connaissent pas, je réponds au nom de Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi.  Je suis originaire d'un petit village dans la province du Sud -Kivu et je suis parmi vous aujourd'hui comme un citoyen ordinaire de la République Démocratique du Congo mais aussi comme un des deleguées de notre organisation : la Révolution Congolaise ou RC, en sigle.
Pour ceux qui ne savent rien sur la Révolution congolaise, la RC est une organisation de la société civile qui est née principalement  à cause du tripotage de la constitution de notre pays à ses articles: 71, 110, 126, 149, 197, 198, 218 et 226 en janvier 2011 en plus des élections truquées en novembre 2011, l'insécurité et les abus des droits humains à l' Est de la RDC d’où je suis originaire, la mauvaise gouvernance, la mauvaise gestion de l'économie de notre pays, les salaires insignifiant et irréguliers pour les fonctionnaires de l'État, entre autres: enseignants, médecins, infirmiers, agronomes, médecins et assistants vétérinaires, militaires; policiers et même certains agents des agences de sécurité nationales qui sont devenue des agence de sécurité d’un individu, etc.
Pour gagner du temps, la Révolution congolaise demande à tous les citoyens et citoyennes RD Congolais et RD Congolaises qui aiment notre pays et son peuple sans discrimination de mettre nos différences à côté et de nous unir plutôt pour réclamer nos droits fondamentaux et ensemble bâtir une nation solide de nos sociétés actuellement profondément divisées. Ensemble nous bâtirons un pays que nos futures générations appelleront chez eux avec dignité. Un pays où les honnêtes  et toute personne engagée a travailler dur investiront et prospéreront.

Je vous prie chers compatriotes de réfléchir sur ce qui suit:

Rendre notre pays, un pays en Paix, Stable et Prospère n'est pas une responsabilité de  quelqu'un d'autre mais d’un chacun de nous citoyens et citoyennes RD congolais et RD Congolaises présent en RDC et partout à travers le Monde. Et le bon temps c'est maintenant.
Le dialogue / négociation, appelez cela comme vous voulez, demeure le meilleur moyen de trouver une solution durable a tout problème, petit ou grand soit-il.
Nul des citoyens RD Congolais où RD Congolaises n'a demandé d'être né membre d'une tribu quelconque. Nul n'a demandé d'être né dans une province quelconque. Nul n'a demandé d'être né où une langue quelconque est parlée. L’ennemi n'est pas la personne avec laquelle nous ne partageons pas une tribu, une province, une langue, une opinion politique mais plutôt le système politique en RDC. Un système basé sur des principes dictatoriaux et autres principes égoïstes dirigés par des individus ou groupe des personnes qui croient que l'intimidation, la corruption et le doigt sur la gâchette leur garantissent le pouvoir éternellement.
Notre pays est entouré de neuf autres pays pour dire que la RDC a inévitablement des vrais citoyens originaires de ces pays voisins.
Le multipartisme fait partie de la fondation de la démocratie universelle, la promotion des droits humains et de la cohésion sociale.
Notre pays n'est pas et ne sera jamais une planète en soi-même mais est et restera une partie de la planète Terre qui nous exige l’interdépendance humaine. Je veux dire ici que, que nous le voulions ou pas, nous sommes appelés a collaborer effectivement et formellement avec d'autres citoyens du Monde au grand bénéfice du peuple RD Congolais.

Que Dieu bénisse la RDC et son peuple.

Au nom de la Révolution Congolaise,

Je vous remercie.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

The three founders of the Revolution Congolaise.rc

    The three founders of the Revolution Congolaise.rc
  1. Ms Marguerite Pezo Kalumbu

      Date of birth: 19 November 1977; Place of birth: Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo; Profession: Teacher; current occupation: Human Rights Activist,
      Part-time teacher & Part-time Freedom fighter.

  2. Major Kongal Yav Papy

      Date of birth: 01 January 1972; Place of birth: Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo; Profession: Army - Major; current occupation: Freedom fighter.

  3. Mr Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi

      Date of birth: 18 September 1971; Place of birth: Cagala, Democratic Republic of Congo; Profession: Agriculture/Veterinary Medicine; Current occupation: Human Rights Activist, Freedom fighter.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "a freedom fighter is a person engaged in a resistance movement against what they believe to be an oppressive and illegitimate government." 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

The Revolution Congolaise.rc new Logo!

Try Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi and other DRC emerging politicians for a positive surprise!

Peace, Stability and Prosperity towards effective Democracy, good Governance and a healthy environment for Trade in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according the universal principles can take place in our country if and only if the few reliable and willing Democratic Republic of Congo's emerging politicians like me become part of the national and International individuals or group of people who are aiming Peace, Stability and Prosperity in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

I am definitely one of those rare reliable Democratic Republic of Congo's citizens the International Community and "Free world" in particular has been searching for, the ones the Democratic Republic of Congo's ordinary people need to light up the necessary candle to the positive change that many of us have been hungry and thirsty for a very long time.

Until Mr Nelson Mandela was given a chance, very few of his compatriots and Global citizens knew that in Nelson Mandela was a rare Statesman and humanitarian who has become an inspiration to me and to many other World's citizens.

I make a plea that my compatriots and other World's citizens who are truly aiming Peace, Stability, good governance and viable environment for business (Trade) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, stop to persistently wasting time. Try me and some of other Democratic Republic of Congo's emerging politicians like me and I am ensuring you that we will surprise everyone.

I thank you!

Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi,

The National and Inclusive dialogue in DRC is one of the RC's projects, not President Joseph Kabila's project.

Not President Joseph Kabila. I, Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi initiated the National and Inclusive dialogue that is currently gaining momentum in the DRC politics. 

It is good that President Joseph Kabila is finally committed to dialogue but he is not the initiator of the National and Inclusive dialogue that he is claiming to have initiated some months ago, last year 2015, as he said in his 2015's address to the DRC people. I initiated this dialogue on behalf of the revolution Congolaise.rc that I am currently leading.

Sooner after the November 2011 Presidential flawed elections in the DRC, I thought that dialogue is the best way to finding a durable and lasting solution to the current known DRC problems. I, therefore requested for a national and inclusive dialogue from the broader International Community, the African Union and all the sub-regions which the DRC belongs to through various events among others: 
a.      On the 31st January 2012, I was one of the key speakers at the Ambassadorial forum – 2011 DRC post elections and its aftermaths -  -  I said the following in my speech:  ‘Because: “yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose”, we respectfully, request that the SADEC, the former “CPGL”, the African Union and the International Community help us (DRC people) to meet and have a dialogue on how important and urgent it is that we (DRC people) unite and commit onto fighting our common enemies that are: hunger and malnutrition, poor health care (HIV/aids, malaria,…) poor education, dictatorship, human rights abuses, lack of strong government institutions, lack of formal and effective partnership with the International Community based on the free world principles, rather than fighting ourselves or to blaming others of our misery.’

b.      On the 27 March 2012, I was one of the carefully selected participants  on a roundtable on the DRC, that came to be known as the ‘A regional response to the post-election situation in the DRC’ and in which the national and inclusive dialogue I wish for, was I would say willingly or unwillingly endorsed by the region (Africa) and that I believe to have been an inspiration to  the Addis Ababa Peace, Security and cooperation Framework for  the DRC and the Great Lake Region of Africa -

c.       I continued to advocating and lobbying for this national and inclusive dialogue through my article that was original published by Pambazuka (an International Pan African Media) -

This article was further distributed by other international medias among others:

·  Need for a new beginning in DRC | 20th September 2012 | Pazumbuka News - Article advocating the need for Africa’s sub-regions, the African Union and the broader international community to assist the Congolese population to challenge the current political system, stressing the need for an all-inclusive dialogue involving political actors, the general public and the Congolese Diaspora. The article states that this dialogue must address post-election problems and the defining factors of the current deadlock in the DRC, as well as governance, social justice and cohesion to encourage political maturity. The article addresses different measures being taken by Congolese diasporas in South Africa, with one group (Congolese citizens in South Africa) perpetrating violent attacks on those it perceives as supporting the DRC government, and another moderate group (Revolution Congolaise RC) lobbying the SADC, the ICGLR, the African Union and the broader international community to assist Congolese citizens to combat the dictatorial political system. The article states that DRC opposition groups are currently divided and expresses disappointment that President Kabila and opposition groups are not willing enter into the dialogue.”

No wonder, someone or a group of people are trying to kill me.  In 2009, I survived torture and escaped death from the ANR (DRC National Information Agency) and the then GSSP (Presidential Special Security Guards) now called GR (Republican Guards) in DRC. In 2012, I survived an assassination attempt by a Zimbabwean national, a Bulgarian national and a South African national whom almost killed me after they succeeded to enter as far as my bedroom, in South Africa.  In 2014, I survived a deadly poisoning, in South Africa. In 2015, my kids, wife and I survived fire that burned down my family's entire home, in South Africa:

The list of incidents that can be linked to the threatening of my life and of my wife  and kids because of my political commitments is long.

Please keep me and the RC in your thoughts and prayers as I remain committed to contributing on building a better (peaceful, stable and prosperous) DRC.

Pacifique Sukisa-Makasi, President,

Revolution Congolaise.rc,